What is a Podcast?
A Podcast is like a super powered radio show. You can do the usual like host your own guests, and the kicker is that you are in complete control of the performance of the podcast. Once it’s distributed to all of the major platforms, you can start gathering an audience immediately with Digital Channels like Facebook Ads.
Here’s an example podcast
How to Create a Podcast from scratch
First, head over to Anchor.fm and create an account.

Next, you can bypass the first option and head to ”Go to Podcast Setup”

You can populate this with basic info to get started, and you can always customize this later.

- Once you have your Podcast information setup with a nice Cover Art, all that’s left is to create your first episode!
How do I come up with a good episode?
The first step in creating a new episode is usually the topic, right? When you try to come up with topic names, usually you are considering your target audience. Well, since podcasts are growing in popularity at an extraordinary rate, you have to consider one thing: You may not know who’s listening.
What does this mean? This means that your podcast guest might have a story that connects with one of your listeners who you may or may not consider your target audience. Sometimes, the person you expect to make a sale, might not be the same as the person who actually is buying something. I will explain how this works in the next few sections.
Here are some examples of topics you can cover on your podcast.
1. Origin Story
Ahhhh, the classic. Who doesn’t like an origin story? After all, it takes the listener back to the beginning. This allows you and your guest to hold the listeners hand through the struggles and successes of the guest on your podcast episode. How do you know that your listener didn’t have a similar story?
News flash: You Don’t
You have to take everything into consideration. There might be a listener who just happened to stumble upon your Podcast, who is the total opposite of your target audience, who connects with the guest that is currently on this episode, and they end up telling their friend who IS your target audience through word of mouth. That friend now becomes a huge client for you, all because you went out of your comfort zone and had a surprise guest that your audience wouldn’t normally expect.
2. When I grow up, I want to be…
Everyone has curiosities in life when it comes to what they do for a living. One of the major decision factors is how difficult it is to start. If med school only took 6 months, there would certainly be more doctors in the world. I didn’t say they’d be good doctors, but you get the point.
This leads me to my second bullet item: What tips would you tell someone who is just starting out in your field?
This is such a great question to answer because this helps to build trust with that guest as well. The listener can view them as a mentor or a coach. A win win for both you and your guest is what podcasting is all about. Building relationships and helping each other grow.
3. Three’s a crowd
An interesting question to ask your guest on a podcast episode is: Who would you like to see on my show?
A few major music releases in the past few years all had something in common. They were collaborations. People love to see their favorite artist collaborate with someone totally unexpected. Having a guest on your podcast that was a direct referral of another guest not only opens up the door for you to form a relationship with, but now that generosity spreads to those two guests and the love will spread through to the listeners.
4. Show them the ropes
If YouTube has taught us 1 thing, it’s that education through online means is only just beginning. A mentor doesn’t have to be right in front of you anymore having a 1 to 1 meeting. It can be in an open environment speaking to thousands of people like Gary Vaynerchuk does with his audience. He literally has a Vlog series that shows his day to day business routine as an agency owner. Why not have your guest speak about getting started in their industry on a basic level, 30 thousand foot view.
5. Mistakes and Regrets
A mistake or regret that your guest has made during their journey might save time and prove to be some sort of a learning experience for someone who is listening. Like I said earlier, you don’t truly know your audience or the influence they have on their audience. Mistakes and Regrets are sometimes what leads to something better and becomes a learning experience for that person, so you might argue that if the person listening doesn’t go through the pains themselves, that they are not truly learning. That all depends on the scenario. For the most part, the audience hearing about something personal to the guest will again built that relationship with them and might even lead to a different audience segment being attracted to your podcast.
The finishing touches
Once you have an episode published, it can be distributed to the major platforms using the directions in each section. Don‘t be alarmed, most of the time it’s just a simple copy and paste.